Be Strong and Courageous.

Joshua 1:9

Dreamy Learning Hub is a group of young Australians who love to share their ideas, stories and  faith. We hope you have an amazing day and we hope you are blessed by our site,

from the team at Dreamy Learning Hub.
  •  4/08/2024 10:46 PM

Reviewed By Bullet Boy

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  •  4/08/2024 10:41 PM

Reviewed By I M Sharp

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  •  4/08/2024 10:27 PM

Reviewed By Random Ella

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  •  4/08/2024 10:18 PM

Reviewed By Nerf Ninja

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  •  4/08/2024 10:08 PM

Reviewed By Dino Kid

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  •  4/08/2024 10:02 PM

Reviewed By Pizza Man

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  •  4/08/2024 09:50 PM

Reviewed by Corgi Lover

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  •  4/08/2024 09:37 PM

Reviewed By Bullet Boy

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  •  4/08/2024 09:22 PM

Reviewed by Barefoot Bob and California Kate

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Two Amazing Stories by Jeremy R and Bruce M

Two Amazing Stories by Jeremy R and Bruce M.

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Gym Queen shares the inspiration behind three of her amazing stories that you can find on our site.


When Sapphire and her best friend saw that they were never going to see their parents again until they died, they grew in sadness and were angry at God, until, they remembered a verse that told them to not be against God because he will give you strength. The verse is: Matthew 11:28: Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.


When Kayla, Madison and Mackenzie realised that their favourite pet was gone, they forgot something other than a prayer. They forgot their favourite Bible verse they have carried with them since kindergarten: Psalm 34:17... “When the righteous cry out, the Lord listens; he delivers them from all their troubles.” The Good News: God listens to the prayers of His children.


When Macy and Autumn got scared because of the shadow, they weren’t thinking of their surroundings. I think this would be a cool and good verse for them and maybe even you to carry and memorise: Romans 12:2 ... "Don't be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds so that you can figure out what God's will is.

--- God Bless, Gym Queen

Recent Art

Congratulations California Kate. Your art received the most votes from all schools. It will be on the cover of the Plaza's NAIDOC Community Book. Click the link to view more amazing art. Thanks so much to everyone for creating such an outstanding display.

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Camp fires cancelled. Laserscape postponed. Wind and hail. People said the camp should be cancelled as well. And you still made it the best camp ever! Amazing effort! Leave a comment.

Camp fires cancelled. Laserscape postponed. Wind and hail. People said the camp should have been cancelled as well. And you still made it the best camp ever! Amazing! Leave a comment. 

Art for the NAIDOC Week Community Project

Artwork by D Husky. Click the link to view 17 more pieces of art for the NAIDOC Week community project.

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J K Spinner

Amazing miniature clay creatures. Click to the link to view more.

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Projects From Previous Years

Click the link to view projects form previous years,

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Pippa P

Click the link to view more amazing art by Pippa P

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Who Can Deny God's Existence? By Bruce M

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Who Can Deny God's Existence? By D E Lightful

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Who Can Deny God's Existence? By Jeremy R

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Who Can Deny God's Existence? By Gym Queen

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Who Can Deny God's Existence? By S Queen

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Do animals have souls? Do animals go to Heaven?

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Ruby Payne Scott by Jeremy R

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Highly recommended reading to brighten your day! Thanks Lolly Lover for the idea. You are a star!

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Are school camps worth it or are they a waste of time? Leave a comment if you have an opinion.

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Teddy works on a local farm where he protects sheep and lambs from foxes. He is also an amazingly intelligent and loyal pet.

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